What are possible diabetes 1.5 symptoms

Well Heeled

Understanding Type 1.5 Diabetes: Unravelling the Symptoms


Diabetes 1.5 symptoms, also known as Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA), is a form of diabetes that shares characteristics with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It often develops in adulthood, making it distinct from Type 1 diabetes which typically manifests in childhood or adolescence. Recognizing the symptoms of Type 1.5 diabetes is crucial for early diagnosis and effective management. Well Heeled takes a closer look at this.

The Complex Nature of Type 1.5 Diabetes

Unveiling Type 1.5 Diabetes

Type 1.5 diabetes is characterized by an autoimmune response against the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. This autoimmune attack is slower and less aggressive compared to Type 1 diabetes, which is why it often develops later in life.

The Spectrum of Diabetes

Understanding the spectrum of diabetes is essential in comprehending Type 1.5. It sits between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, sharing features of both. Individuals with Type 1.5 diabetes typically have a slower onset of symptoms compared to Type 1, but they eventually require insulin for management.

Recognizing the Symptoms

Subtle Beginnings

The symptoms of Type 1.5 diabetes can be insidious, making them easy to dismiss or attribute to other causes. It’s imperative to be aware of these signs for early intervention.

1. Polyuria (Frequent Urination)

Polyuria, or increased urination, is a hallmark symptom of diabetes. In Type 1.5 diabetes, it may start gradually, leading individuals to believe it’s due to other factors like increased fluid intake.

2. Polydipsia (Excessive Thirst)

Experiencing an unquenchable thirst, known as polydipsia, is a common early symptom of Type 1.5 diabetes. This is a direct consequence of the increased urination and the body’s attempt to replenish lost fluids.

3. Polyphagia (Excessive Hunger)

As the body struggles to utilize glucose effectively, individuals with Type 1.5 diabetes may experience extreme hunger, even after eating a substantial meal.

4. Unexplained Weight Loss

Despite increased appetite, unexplained weight loss can occur due to the body’s inability to properly utilize glucose for energy. This is particularly noticeable in the early stages of Type 1.5 diabetes.

5. Fatigue and Weakness

The cells of the body are deprived of the energy they need, leading to fatigue and weakness. This can impact daily activities and overall quality of life.

6. Blurred Vision

Fluctuating blood sugar levels can affect the lens of the eye, causing temporary blurred vision. This symptom may come and go, making it important to seek medical attention promptly.

Getting a Diagnosis

The Diagnostic Process

Diagnosing Type 1.5 diabetes requires a comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional. This typically involves a combination of blood tests, including measures of blood glucose levels and autoantibodies associated with diabetes.

Distinguishing Type 1.5 from Other Types

Differentiating Type 1.5 diabetes from Type 2 diabetes can be challenging due to their overlapping characteristics. However, identifying autoantibodies associated with Type 1 diabetes is a key factor in making an accurate diagnosis.


Understanding the symptoms of Type 1.5 diabetes is crucial for early detection and effective management. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, seeking medical attention promptly is imperative. With proper diagnosis and intervention, individuals with Type 1.5 diabetes can lead fulfilling and healthy lives. Remember, early awareness and action are paramount in the journey towards better health and well-being. Please do comment if you wish to add further information to those that read this article or to share your own experiences as we always want to read your point of view here at Well Heeled, around diabetes especially and how it may have affected your life too. Leave a comment below.

About Me

Founder of Well Heeled - I have a great interest in diabetes and the effect on those diagnosed as well as those around them. With over 20 years in health and social care, as a qualified social worker and as a passionate educator within the health and social care sector, I wanted to bring further information to others around diabetes and other issues.

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